life is short.
10:24 a.m. & 2002-06-25

good morning.

My Grandpa is still in the hospital awaiting tests. If you believe in praying, please pray for him, id appreciate much more than I can explain. I've been praying for him, I hope it helps.

I cried myself to sleep last night thinking of him alone in the hospital, he is such a loving man, he cant be taken from us yet.

I have a card he sent me a long time ago pinned on my wall, it says:

"Dear Shelby,

Have I told you lately that I love you, well papa's telling you now. You have grown up to be a pretty young girl and can be what you want to be. Remember God loves you, just follow him and he will direct your path. I am so glad that i see you from time to time, its always a joy to see you. I love you,


p.s. Grandma loves you too."

Tears roll down my cheeks as I re-read it. I dont remember when he sent me this card, but i remember it made me cry then, just as it did now.

my vision is starting to blur, I cant see through the tears. Im just going to end this.

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