confessions of a second time freshman
7:00 p.m. & 2003-11-19

Ironically, I stand atop my soap box today, preaching the importance of washing your hands.

read on,

There comes a time in your high school career when you get the plague. (in or out of high school you know what im saying) You are bound, my dear, to get it at least once in those four years. You may be lucky, like I was, and get it about 3.5 times. You may be strange, as some are, and get it for one day, every once in a while. Regardless of the form it comes in you will be sick. Bad sick. You'll miss anywhere between 1-14 days. Your grades will not be affected though, as the class did NOTHING while you were gone.

no worries.

Have you experienced the plague?

Of course you have. Don't doubt me.

Its something in the water, the food, the desks.

Mainly the desks.

too many people=too many germs

MORAL= Wash your hands, and continue washing your hands until someday when you have your own desk. A desk only you and the occasional janitor touch. Well, wash your hands even when you get your own desk. Trust me, its imperative for you to do so.

And that concludes my advice for today.

do with it what you will.

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